Advanced Sport Touring Everything you need to stay on the road longer. PORCH PIRATE POLICY ***WE UNDERSTAND THAT PORCH PIRATES SHOULD BE DRUG OUT INTO THE STREET AND BEAT SENSELESS AND THESE WORTHLESS PIECES OF CRAP ARE DOING THIS MORE AND MORE OFTEN BUT WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST OR STOLEN PACKAGES ONCE SHIPPED** IF YOU DON'T HAVE A SECURE LOCATION TO HAVE YOUR PACKAGE SHIPPED TO, MANY LOCAL POLICE DEPARTMENTS ARE ACCEPTING PACKAGE DELIVERIES AT NO COST. YOU CAN ALSO LOOK INTO RENTING A BOX AT YOUR LOCAL UPS OR FEDEX. *EMAIL IS THE BEST METHOD OF CONTACT: [email protected] Phone calls will be returned as soon as possible: 772-207-0023 Everything you need to stay on the road longer. ALL PRODUCTS ARE PROUDLY MADE IN THE U.S.A. Advanced Sport Touring is a family owned and operated business. We strive to keep all aspects of our business here in the United States of America whether it be designing of products, manufacturing of products or simply answering customer questions. No foreign call centers here. We're always developing new products and welcome new ideas. If you have an idea for a new product that we should be developing, send an email to: [email protected]. LOCATION: Gator Trade Center 9566 Gator Drive Unit 2 Sebastian, FL 32958 If you'd like to look at parts, pickup orders or have parts installed, please send us an email to setup an appointment. Appointments are mandatory. [email protected] This is a working warehouse. Consider everything sharp, dirty or dangerous. Not safe for children. Keep your distance from the large pond next to the building. There's currently two gators living in it. |